Seri HGP Siket TMT tekanan Tigs Oksigen Probe
Range aplikasi
Seri Seri Hgp Tumindak TinggiOksigenProbe
Tekanan variabel positif sing positif 0 ~ 10 atmosfer, Range Variabel Negatif -1 ~ 0 Atmosekser.
Spesifikasi lan paramèter teknis
•Model: Seri HGP Series TinggiOksigenProbe
•Bahan Shell: 316 lea stainless steel
•Suhu Gas Flue: Ing ngisor 900 ° C
•Kontrol suhu: Probe duwe pemanas dhewe kanggo njaga suhu endhas zirconium sing terus-terusan.
•Thermocouple: Ketik k
•Wektu pemanasan: udakara 15 nganti 30 menit kanggo tekan suhu sing dirating 700 ° C. (Sing ana gandhengane karo suhu gas seruling)
•Instalasi lan sambungan: Probe dilengkapi 1,5 "BSP utawa benang NPT. Pangguna bisa ngolah kembang tungku tungku miturut gambar sing dipasang ing manual instruksi.
• Gas referensi: Pompa gas ing persahan analisa kira-kira 50 ml / min. Use the gas for the instrument and supply the gas through the pressure reducing valve and float flow meter provided by the user. The manufacturer provides the PVC connecting pipe from the float flowmeter to the sensor and the connector at the sensor end with the transmitter.
•Pipo sambungan gas
•Priksa sambungan gas: Sensor duwe inlet udara sing bisa pass mriksa gas. Yen ora dicenthang, ditutup dening bulkhead. Nalika calibrating udhara, tarif aliran dikontrol udakara 1000 ml saben menit. Produsen nyedhiyakake 1/8 "sendi pipa benang sing bisa disambungake menyang pvc pipa.
•Urip baterei Zirconium: 4-6 taun operasi terus. Gumantung saka komposisi lan suhu flue. Operasi intermiten bakal mengaruhi urip layanan, lan pemanas kudu tetep terus-terusan.
•Wektu nanggepi: Kurang saka 4 detik
• Filter: Tipe tahan tahan karat stainless steel. Diameteripun saringan Outer ¢ 42 (mm)
• Diameter pangayoman tabung alat satelit: ¢ 32 (mm)
•Suhu kothak prabara:
•: Tipe soket plug langsung utawa soket plug penerbangan.
• Bobot: 0.6Kg ditambah 0,33kg / 100mm dawa.
Model standar | Model jeblugan-bukti | Dawane |
HGP0050 | HGP0050 (EX) | 50mm |
HGP0150 | HGP0150 (EX) | 150mm |
HGP0190 | HGP0190 (bekas) | 190mm |
HGP0250 | 250mm | |
HGP0350 | HGP0350 (EX) | 350mm |
HGP0500 | HGP0500 (EX) | 500mm |
HGP0750 | HGP0750 (EX) | 750mm |
HGP1000 | HGP1000 (EX) | 1000mm |
HGP1500 | HGP1500 (EX) | 1500mm |